These are two photos taken 26 Nov 1999 at Gilson Road Cemetery, Nashua, NH. We took them with a Fuji disposable Quicksnap camera, with 800 ASA film in it. I took these photographs about five seconds apart.Ignore the apparent "orbs." It was already becoming a foggy night when these pictures were taken. If they were "ghost orbs," we have no way of knowing. As the evening progressed, the "orbs" in the photos became thicker and more numerous. I think they're just reflections off the saturated air. Except for slight color differences which pique my interest, the orbs in these photos look almost exactly like the actual orbs taken on very dry evenings. However, the thick mist swirling around the stones in the second photo... that's something else. Lovely image, and nicely eerie. Does mist really come up this quickly on a still night? I mean, in five seconds or less? I have no idea. Is this an anomaly? Again, I can't say. Nothing surprises me during my visits to this very haunted cemetery. Okay, let me rephrase that: The ghostly images I perceive of an Indian massacre in the woods behind the cemetery distress me, but don't surprise me.
Read more about Haunted Gilson Road Cemetery.
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