Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Old Man

By: Marissa

This is a totally true story that happened to me and my friend..........we were walking home from school and while we were walking we felt someone push us back it wouldn't let us go any further and if we tried to get passed it,would just push us harder and now we were getting mad and scared so we told it to stop we screamed at the top of our longs and then there was a creepy voice it said stop!! the voice sounded rough and scratchy we it sounded like a old mans voice and then we all of a sudden a saw him appear he was an old man he was very wrinkly he was very old and he was the scariest thing we ever saw!!!and then he disappeared later on we were watching tv and they reported that a mental old man was missing they said he a had a mental disorder and then they showed a picture of him on the tv and it looked just like that old man we saw down the street and then he pointed to us through the tv and said I'm gonna get you i said stop!!!!!! later that night we couldn't sleep....we don't know why he told us to stop but 4 weeks ,later we were walking home down the same road where we saw that old man when suddenly a bmw sports car came zooming at us so we jumped out of the way...and after that the old man appeared once more and said I TOLD YOU TO STOP!!!... WE NEVER SAW THAT OLD MAN AGAIN!!! Maybe it was a signnnnn!

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