Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Experience

by: Javier Rosado

I have a story about my own experiences that i would like to share with you guys. when i was about 8yrs old to about 13, i experienced some kind of paranormal activity. the first thing that happened was shortly after my father was stabbed multiple times and had his throat slit. a couple months after his death, i felt like i was being haunted by something. i started hearing footsteps at night soon after the lights went out. they seemed to be coming toward me, then i could feel someone standing right next to me looking over me, i was so scared i had pulled the blanket over my head, but then i could feel the blanket being slowly pulled from the foot of the bed. i held on tighter to the blanket, but something kept pulling harder then it just stopped. the next night i would hear footsteps again, this time something grabbed my hair at the base of my neck and pulled it so hard that my head jerked back. every night something different happened, i felt something hit me so hard in the stomach it made me gasp for air. it got so bad that i finally told my mom, i was so scared i could not sleep and would stay awake all night. my mom finally went to a psychic and told them about my experiences. she was told that it was a close family member and my mom believed that it was my father trying to take me with him. it didnt end here, i started to see things, one night out of the corner of my eye i could see a bloody hand on the door, but when i turned to look again it was gone. i also saw a dark shadow of a tall person running back and forth so fast that it could not have been human, then on another occasion, i was alone in the house standing in the living room, around noon, when all of a sudden a rock came flying toward me almost hitting me and there was absolutely no one around. this is the first time i have ever spoken to anyone about these experiences. when i watched your show and saw what you went thru it gave me the strength to share my experiences with you. if you would like to know more i would be more than happy to talk further with you. thank you for your time one of your best fans-javier rosado


Anonymous said...

that is the scaryest iv ever read

Anonymous said...

Sounds scary

Anonymous said...

is ... it... really true? anyways sounds scary.. i would like 2 have such experiences too.. :D

Anonymous said...

its kinda the same with me. well not really...its more like ive been able to see sprits since ive been to this old hospital when i was younger like 5 because i hurt my self. Then i started seeing spirts and they followed me to where i live. so ive been there. i know how you feel

IshTheLord said...

Sounds really scary! I have heard from people i know that they had things happen that were like yours.

Anonymous said...

One of my earliest experiences and failed attempts at mediumship was in the mansion of the man who built the Hawthorne Hotel in Salem, Ma.

Frank Poor who built the hotel to accommodate his clients who patronized his company called Sylvania had haunted me for years for insulting him in front of his dead mistress. I thought insulting him would befriend his mistress who was jilted by him that haunted my apartment in his mansion. I was wrong and she haunted me along with him for 15 years...
So visit me on the one of the best Salem ghost tour to hear more of this tale and many others set in the smuggling tunnels deep under the city. One of the best Salem walking tours in town!