Monday, July 21, 2008

The Ghost of Jim Morrison

It has been over 4 years since Hollywood resident and Rock and Roll Historian Brett Meisner first noticed a strange image in the background of a photo taken of him at the gravesite of former Doors’ front man Jim Morrison at the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, France. After having the photograph and original negative analyzed by dozens of paranormal and photographic experts, there is still little explanation as to how or why the ghostly image appeared in the photo. Some believe it is a forgery, while others simply think it is just a ray of sunlight playing an odd trick on the human eye. For Brett Meisner, the photo has become a black cloud of bad luck hanging over his head, and he is now looking for a way to get rid of this infamous and very controversial piece of rock and roll history.
The Ghost of Jim Morrison

Brett Meisner barely recalled the 1997 candid graveside photo shoot when an assistant showed him the photo in 2002, pointing out the clearly visible iconic image of Jim Morrison in the background. “I have collected a lot of rock memorabilia over the past few decades so I figured he was playing a joke on me,” explains Meisner. “But once we found the negative and made larger prints, it was quite clear to all of us that we had something odd and unique on our hands.”

Once word of the Morrison ghost photograph spread across the Internet, both skeptics and avid Doors fans came knocking on Meisner’s door. A British film crew from the show “Dead Famous” even flew to Los Angeles, bringing along paranormal expert Chris Fleming who called the photo “one of the best I’ve ever seen.” This publicity led to appearances on the Biography channel and several prominent radio programs, but Meisner began to realize the photo was causing more harm than good.

“I’ve had strangers come to my home at all hours of the night wanting to talk to me saying they had messages from Jim,” explained Meisner. “At first it was sort of interesting to see how many people felt a spiritual bond with Jim and the photo, but now the whole vibe seems negative.”

A failed marriage and the loss of a young friend to a drug overdose were just a few of the tragedies that have befallen Brett Meisner since he rediscovered the photograph. “I’ve lost some high paying clients and nothing but bad luck has plagued me for the past few years.” A spiritual adviser and close friend recently told Meisner that they believe the photograph is part of a curse and that he needs to find a respectful way to part with the image and bring closure to both Brett and the spirit of Morrison.

“Part of me wishes that I would have never stepped foot into the graveyard in the first place,” admits Meisner. “While I also know I’m partly to blame for talking about it in the first place. I should have kept it to myself and not let the media have a field day with something so special and private.

Meisner is currently trying to find a private and reputable organization to donate the photos and negative. So far he has no takers.

Jim Morrison’s gravesite in Pere Lachaise is one of the most popular tourist attractions in a cemetery filled with literary and cultural icons such as Oscar Wilde, Honore de Balzac and Frederic Chopin. Over a thousand people each day visit the gravesite where Morrison was laid to rest in July 1971. Often the crowds are unruly and festive, a fact that is looked down upon by the surviving family members of the nearby graves. In fact, the French government almost moved the body of Morrison in 2001 when the 30 year lease expired, citing his gravesite a nuisance and unwanted attraction. However, pressure from the local artistic community helped keep Jim safe and secure in his final resting place.


Unknown said...

Jim Morrison is not in your photo. I think that you are a fake. Jim Morrison is my friend and you are trying to use his memory to obtain money. Jim is sickened by you and so am I.

Anonymous said...

Chris Fleming is no paranormal expert. He is one of the biggest frauds out there. He cheats people in the paranormal all the time. His ghost box or the magic K2 reader, which goes off for YOU anytime the cameras are rolling.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry, this is just my personal opinion, but i do not think it is Jim's Ghost in your picture.

sorry to burst the bubble, but this is a game played by collective minds.
its a speciality of us humans to find something, or someone to blame for anything and everything bad that happens to us , and in ur case u are blaming it on a curse of morrison.

Failed marriages and drug overdoses are due to human weaknesses and faults and do not need ghostly intervention. 70% of the population around you is probably in the same boat as you, only, sans the so called ghost of morrison.

Jim Morrison was a troubled singer, the reason being he had a very clear outlook and thoughts which many did not 'get' which would have been frustrating. He was born way ahead of his time. He is resting peacefully and loved and alive in many of his loving fans hearts.

Your brother said...

Whether it was bro. Jim Morrison or not, this poor soul is asking for prayers! And you have been given this privilege to save this soul. Instead you should have done this right thing cuz I believe you believe in the afterlife. You believe in a higher being which is God Almighty, who sent His only begotten son to redeem us. Life doesn't stop here!