Saturday, March 29, 2008

Something In My Window

By: Jay

My kids were playing in my window in the living room. The window has an offset that they can stand on. I was taking pictures of them while they were playing. I did not notice anything out of the ordinary when I was taking the pictures. When I reviewed the pictures I noticed an orange spot on the glass behind my little boy. I zoomed closer on the picture and noticed something strange with the orange spot. I am not going to comment on the spot but I do want you to zoom in on it. See what you think it may be. I have had some unusual unexplainable things happen in the last few weeks. My 5 year old boy screamed at me late one night from his bedroom. I went to his room and he told me that something was pulling his blanket down toward his feet. I normally would have dismissed it as his imagination but something similar had happened to me in the past. I can not say if my house is haunted but sometimes things are not quite what they should be.Please do not pay any attention to the glass behind my son. They had gotten it pretty nasty when they were playing. It is normally not that dirty.

1 comment:

marielle said...

its not dirt...
i save d' image and zoom it...
its somethid dont know