Saturday, May 31, 2008

Resolving Ghosts' Unfinished Business

By: Ghost_Whisperer

For as long as I can remember, I've dreamt mainly of people I don't even know. Some children, some adults, etc. They always came to just me (night or day) and would never leave me alone. At first I didn't know what to make of it all - maybe I was over imaginative or there was something wrong with me? I kept seeing death, war and blood in my dreams - they really bothered me. I became almost afraid to go to sleep and couldn't get my "imaginary friends" out of my mind as a child.

I didn't realize back then that they weren't so "imaginary" because neither of my parents were the slightest bit open minded to spirituality (and still aren't) and no one took what I saw seriously. My mom thought there was something mentally wrong with me and my dad was just furious I was always up late and talking to "myself". But they just kept coming back.

My mom once (when I was about two) told me she saw me fine one minute, the next falling down a flight of stairs as though tripped by some invisible force. (I often have nightmares about falling now) I can't remember, but she says I cracked my skull and had to go to hospital... but strangely, didn't feel any pain. Not everyone I saw was meaning to cause harm. One ghost in particular, Danny, kept visiting me over and over again. I really enjoyed his company.

When I was about seven my little sister was born. That was the time I dreamt of seeing two little blond girls I had never met. After a few years, my sister told me she had a lot of imaginary friends of her own, one of which was named Chloe. Chloe visited her the most often. I, meanwhile, couldn't help but wonder if I was really seeing spirits/ghosts or if I was just crazy. One day at school (when I was either twelve or thirteen) the lights started flickering throughout the entire school - and no one but me to this day knows why. I could have sworn I saw some figures phase out of the room from the corner of my eye right before it happened. Objects in my room were never where I left them and my lights at home kept flickering - even after I changed the bulb. I didn't think they were imaginary, but wanted to make sure.

I soon told my sister how weird it was to see all the lights at school flicker. She smiled and told me: "Oh, that was just Chloe and her friends, Ellie and Grace." When she went to describe Chloe's friends, I found those were the girls from my recent dreams! My sister also mentioned Chloe had a brother named Danny. I was stunned to hear her describe him exactly as I had seen him - red hair, hazel eyes, sixteen, etc. My little sister and I talk a lot about spirits and ghosts now. I've found a lot of protection spells and kept talking to Tiffany, my guardian angel. She constantly guides, heals and helps me and was the reason I felt no pain when I fell down the stairs.

Since then, I've been crossing ghosts over, but have found that once they're crossed over, they aren't always reincarnated. Some come back as spirits. I crossed Danny over, but he still comes to visit me. My abilities keep getting stronger through practice and I often set aside time just to meditate, visit the graveyard, etc. Whatever it takes. When I visited the Akashic Records I read that I had always been meant to resolve ghosts' unfinished business. I'm so grateful for this gift and the chance to make a difference!

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